Inspire Your Heart With Art
Inspire your heart with art is a day to ponder how art can affect everyone. Art is valued and appreciated for all sorts of reasons. The broad spectrum of art created in the world, can move us to tears and cause us to burst out into joyous laughter. Whether it’s music, a poem or a painting, all art has the power to change us, and to inspire us.

Ready to shop? Buy custom senior art greeting cards now.
“This program showcases original artwork of active, artistic Seniors.”
Carolyn Caniglia
Founder, TLC Greetings, Inc.
TLC Greetings has crossed paths with some wonderfully talented Seniors!
Everyone can be an artist!
There is no right or wrong to art. Art is from the heart. Painting allows us to see the world through different and more creative eyes. Seniors from all over the world find the process of creating their own art stimulating. TLC Greetings wants to enhance this by placing senior art on our website for the world to appreciate. Join An Art Class!
Whether they have always endeavored in the arts or are recognizing their talents for the first time, creating greeting cards through the Seniors Who Paint program brings happiness, a sense of accomplishment. Seniors experience new found energy and it’s been said that an active senior lives longer. Support the Seniors by purchasing greeting cards of the Senior’s original art on cards.
Seniors receive commission for any sales of their artwork.
Join The Seniors Who Paint Program
and enjoy your art on cards. We print one, or a thousand, and on the back of each card we insert “original artwork by your name.”